Beauty treatments

Beauty treatments blog

By Max Lincon

Over the years, teeth whitening seems to have taken off all over the world. On the television, the presenters all seem to be blessed with a perfect white smile and seemingly whiter teeth than many of the general population. Not only can they promote a bright smile, they might help you self-esteem.

The way these products typically work is by applying bleach to the enamel by using peroxide. The products differ in strength, so each one will have a different level of effectiveness depending on the level of peroxide. Usually, the levels of peroxide are between 10 per cent and 22 per cent. If you are able to have the procedure done to you teeth then there are several options.

The in-office method refers to the act of going to the dentist and having the bleaching done there. Normally, this will take around an hour. However, the time saved does translate to much higher costs for the customer.

Many people these days use the gels and trays method of making their smile brighter. It's often cheaper than going to the dentist for an appointment and can be done in the convenience of your own home. It could very well take a little while longer than the in-office option. The clear trays that come with the gel are designed to be worn a few hours a days, and in some cases through the night. Some take only a few hours to see results and for others, depending on the gel's strength, can see results in a few weeks. Dentists do ell trays and gels, but these tend to be pricier than ones sold online.

One method that some use and have had success with are strips. They seem to be getting more popular and can be bought rather cheaply over the counter. It normally depends on the level of peroxide in the strip, but these can take longer to produce the desired results than the gels and trays technique.

People have been known to use toothpastes, ones which have abrasives that remove surface stains. Many of these toothpastes have special chemicals or polishing agents that actually are designed to help fight stains more effectively than the regular toothpaste you get in the grocery store. These do not work the same way as a gel or strip because they aren't designed to bleach the teeth.

For those who want a brighter smile, there are things like regular toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss and chewing gum. While these may well help clean enamel, they do not perform the same function as a whitener. In short, they are most likely to be used with a bleach rather than on their own.

When choosing teeth whitening products it may be hard to pick from the vast array of products out there. However, by knowing your budget you should be able to choose a method that's right for you, whether it's zoom whitening or not.

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